Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fit the role

Do I fit the role? Am I the right age for the role? My daughter is giving an audition in
another studio. If she is right for the role, I can get her here right away.
I hear these lines a hundred times a day as I take auditions at Nirvana Studios.
Nirvana. What an apt name. All those who come here are looking for their version
of nirvana-the ultimate salvation and bliss. It’s crazy- aspirants with parents in tow;
parents with aspirants in tow. Little babies barely out of their cribs to those with one
foot in the grave. Some known faces; some unknown. All with the same question on
their lips: Do I fit the role?
After a lady aspirant’s performance, Bernard, a runner in our company says: I wish
we could take her. She brought tears to my eyes. I said: If I could, I would take each
one. Their passion and dedication is so evident in their performances. It is heart-
breaking to see the disappointment on their faces when they are rejected. You can see
the dream crumbling, the hope dimming.
It takes a lot of zeal and spirit to be a part of this industry especially as an actor.
People are real professionals here in Mumbai in the sense that they are not modest
about their talent. Modesty gets you nowhere in this industry. Pushy, aggressive, bold
are the magic words. Sometimes even known faces get brusquely rejected by casting directors. But then you desperately need the job and an actor has to show humility and swallow his pride. Talk sweetly with every one until you get the role. The only thing that helps them face humiliation is the determination to succeed.
What a tough life it is for an actor! Sigh! Only a few are actually from Mumbai, most
have come from outside to fulfil their dreams. From small towns and remote villages.
Some have sold all they have in exchange for a bundle of dreams. They flock to the
City of Dreams with hope in their eyes and a prayer on their lips. All looking for that
one chance when they will hit the bull’s eye. To see their names up in the credits,
their faces on the screen, the ultimate nirvana.

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